COSC 1435 Lab 5

Purpose: This lab focuses on writing a simple C++ program.

Due: Before class on March 4, 2013

Video Introduction: The video introduction for this lab is in Blackboard. I develop the pseudocode for the lab in this video.

Requirements: Do the following:

1. Develop pseudocode and write a program that finds the area of a circle and a triangle, and the volume of a cube. Do the following:

2. Format your output so that the user of your program understands the values that were input and what was output for each calculation. Your program should have a user-friendly interface.

3. Make sure your program is properly documented and good programming standards are followed. For this program you must have a program identification/summary section and comments that explain each of the calculations.

4. Try your program with a variety of input values, to determine it works properly. Some of the values you should try include positive, negative, integer, floating point numbers, and zero. You should try these combinations of numbers in both the first and second number. Describe what happens when you input zero and negative numbers in your lab report. Are there any other combinations of numbers that give inaccurate results, if so fix your program so that it works properly or describe what is happening and why in your program documentation.

5. This lab requires a lab report/documentation package. All of these items are not typically in the same file (source code and sample output should definitely be in their own files), but the main lab report file must reference each item by name. Here is a sample lab report. The main lab report must either be a text file (with a .txt extension) or a Microsoft Word file (with a .doc extension). The lab report must includes the following or references (the file name that was attached to the mail) to the following information:

Program Submission. You will be submitting this lab via Blackboard. Prepare the following:

Grading Criteria: 100 points available for this lab. Following is the grading criteria for this lab: